Lights in Wrong Color Combinations

Discussion of post-1980 Holiday lighting and related subjects. If this gets to be too big a span, we'll break it out into separate topics.
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Lights in Wrong Color Combinations

Post by paulrace »

A reader writes:
Bought 5 strands of your C9 red and green Christmas lights. Noticed that there are 2 green bulbs on one end. Changed it out to a red. As I opened the other packages, they are the same. Also to keep the pattern of red, green, red, green and to plug each strand end to end I would have to change out every bulb as they are off pattern. What am I missing? Or what did you miss?

Please respond ASAP as I want to decorate our home. Please feel free to call us at xxx-xxx-xxxx


I'm sorry your purchase isn't working out the way you would like. However, you didn't buy them from me - I don't sell anything.
Please try tracking down your bill of sale, etc. to find the vendor you used.
If you figure out who you did buy them from, and they're someone I recommend, let me know so I can work it from my end.
God bless, and have a great holiday season!

Paul Race

The reader replied:

I bought them from amazon.
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