Added Bill's 1970s page to the 2008 web page

Discussion of 1970-1980 Holiday lighting and related topics
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Added Bill's 1970s page to the 2008 web page

Post by paulrace »

When Bill Nelson, who began the Old Christmas Lights site passed away, and George took the site over, George left out some of Bill's pages. After a long image search, fixing a lot of broken link and other miscellaneous cleanup, we have "transplanted" Bill's pages on the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s to the 2008 site (the one most people use). Yes, longtime readers knew to dig back to the 2003 archive for that information, but newbies didn't know about it. So having that on the 2008 page (disclaimers and all) should be a big help for folks.

The 1970s pages were just getting started when Bill became to ill to continue, so they're very short. But at least folks now have easier access to the information Bill was able to provide.

To see the table of contents with the new pages listed, click the link below: ... ntents.htm
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